Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

Are we experiencing more natural disasters or does it feel that way due to hyper media coverage?

Almost three years ago to the day, my brother-in-law and his wife lost their home and their jobs due to Hurricane Katrina. They were in the middle of the New Orleans destruction. They have since relocated but I'm sure they're paying attention to Hurricane Gustav headed for the same region.

Mississippi is also in the path of danger. We have family members there and although they're not on the coast, they could feel the impact. If the Belle were here, she would be fretting.

Florida may not escape. If it's not Gustav, there's another storm gearing up behind it. Remember the year that Florida got hit with three back-to-back hurricanes? My parents and I flew into central Florida for my Uncle Ken's funeral and we were shocked at the destruction we saw from the air.

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