Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fretting and Futzing

Today I am on edge. I have many things on my mind and I'm wearing a new path in our already worn-out carpeting.

I know worrying solves nothing but someone needs to explain that to my brain. When I'm in overdrive, I start doing one thing, get distracted, and then start something else. I go to another room with a purpose in mind and then forget what I had in mind. I try to organize something (anything!) and end up with a bigger mess.

I'm going to try to channel some of this spastic energy into one of my writing projects. If that doesn't work, I will make lists. I will walk the maniac dog to burn off some energy. Then I might count something. That always makes my (self-diagnosed) slightly autistic self feel in control.

Everyone copes with worries and stress in different ways. I haven't figured out my best way.


janis said...

funny coming from me, but, Just Breathe! and remember all things are for a reason!
Sounds like a road trip to Muncie is in order to chill you. How about it??

Anonymous said...

Wish I could figure some way to buy some, or most of that energy from you. I would be glad to take it off of your hands. Patsy