Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Doggie Day

Today is the maniac's birthday party. I lucked into a beautiful day so all the doggies can romp outside.

I've had several people question my sanity for doing this. Others get it right away. It's not really about the dogs.
It's about a girlfriend experiencing financial difficulties who could use a break and a few laughs.
It's about a girlfriend who just took her youngest child to college and needs some support.
It's about girlfriends who are taking care of aging parents and running ragged with work.
It's about me and the opportunity to gather on a sunny afternoon with some friends I don't see as often as I'd like.
It's a couple of hours where we get to escape and enjoy a few laughs.

It may be Gabby's birthday but it's really a tribute to friends -- hers and mine.


Anonymous said...

I thought your doggie birthday party was a great idea. Sounds like you and the dog had a good time. Patsy

cecily crossman said...

I'll bet you and Gabby both have nice friends.