Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Must Love Dogs

The husband swears I have never looked at him with the adoration that I reserve for dogs. On the flip side, he doesn't drool over me quite the way he used to.

The daughter gave me a calendar for Christmas. It's all about dog things. Yes, I will be that crazy old lady who gave her life to the dogs. My favorite quote (so far) is:

The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.

Occasionally, the husband is in his "Be the Boss of Me" personality. He makes big pronouncements like, "We will never have another dog after this one." I kind of remember my mother doing this with my father and then all of a sudden, they had four dogs.

I will be the first to admit that I own a maniac dog. She's almost two-years old, which is the magic age for Labs. They calm. They sort of, kind of, get the rules. They are pleasers. And then they proceed to eat everything in sight.

Being single again is not in my plans. But if I'm ever faced with that situation, I will have two criteria:
Must respect your mother.
Must love dogs.

1 comment:

janis said...

Back in the dating day, my dates were put to the test, how they treated my cats, and Debs dog. If they were not pet people, out the door! I gave my husband a kitten to see how he would do, since he had never had a pet. Luckily, I fell in love with him as he fell for the kitten (& me). Now he can't imagine not living in the zoo we have!