Friday, May 2, 2008

Paying Attention

Even when I seem to be ignoring advice coming my way, I am paying attention.

The experts say that children learn by example. They're paying attention to your actions far more than your words. We don't have young children anymore but I could definitely list our mistakes. Still, they managed to become good human beings. Like me, they've spent their entire lives surrounded in love. It's frightening to recognize how many children don't have that in their lives.

That tight wire act where you try to help someone without offending them is tricky business. When they're children, you have a captive audience. They cannot escape. As adults, whether it's parent to child, friend to friend or something else, the safety net is not quite as reliable. I know people who do not speak to their siblings. I know people who see or talk to their parents a couple of times each year. This is as foreign to me as living on Mars.

I'm no expert but I have a lot of experience with unsolicited advice. I let it run through my head as I try to fall asleep. My eyes may have glazed over and I may pretend to be ignoring you but trust me, I heard you and I was paying attention.

Some people get annoyed. I get encouraged. I may not heed it immediately but I heard you.


Anonymous said...

I also get lots of unsolicited advice. Most from well meaning ladies from church. I do an occasional nod or raising or my eyebrows and say to myself"what do you know?--you need to get the tweezers after that chin". The preacher has learned to pick up on these moves and will,on occasion, reminded me to be nice, be nice,be nice. Just because my eyes are open doesnt mean I am paying attention. See, you should have married the preacher. You would have been excellent at this job. But I do listen to the people who truly matter to me. BGS

Sandy said...

BGS is very amusing. I'm anxious to meet her some day.