Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Remember when everyone thought water beds were the ultimate in cool and sexy? I've never owned one but I have slept on one. It wasn't sexy. I was sleeping with my mother on a visit to see her sister.

I think it was 1983 or 1984.

My mother and I flew to Phoenix. My mother carried a sheet cake on her lap and got a little irritated when the passenger in front of her threw his seat back and almost smooshed the cake. The airline food union was on strike (this is when you actually expected a meal on a flight) so to compensate, we got free drinks. Yahoo!

The bed my mother and I slept in was not the wave less kind. (I'm not even sure they had been invented yet.) I remember each of us rolling over, trying to get comfortable and sending a tidal wave across the bed. It's hard to go back to sleep when the other person is screeching uncontrollably.


Sandy said...

Thanks for the memory of a really fun trip. I remember giggling all night. It was my first experience with a water bed.

They didn't have a Roselyn Bakery in Phoenix, so we were carrying a sheet cake and brownies to Coni and Kerry. It was my first experience with another person's head in my lap on the airplane.

I will think about this all day now.


janis said...

Too funny! I don't know what is funnier, imagining you girls giggleing all night, or Sandy having the cake on her lap trying to keep it from smooshing! They really need more room in planes!

Sandy said...

P.S. It was 1987.

Anonymous said...

How funny! When Eric and I were first married we had a water bed. I didn't like it either. I referred to it as "waking up in the gutter" Every time he moved I ended up getting thrown against the side (the gutter). Oh, those were the days! Kim