Monday, June 2, 2008


Clowns are creepy. I was afeared (crossword term) of them as a child and I have avoided them as an adult. It’s that big, painted-on fake smile. It’s that icky act of trying to be charming but instead it gives me the willies. It’s a bunch of them crawling out of a little car. I did this with girlfriends but none of us put on a wig and big shoes.

When I worked downtown in the corporate world, the circus would come to town at least once a year. It was about 2 blocks from my office so I could watch the elephant and tiger parade as they unloaded. The clowns lead various sections of the spectacle. I looked away.

I actually know people who have clown pictures hanging in their homes and/or in their children’s bedrooms. Don’t be surprised if these children grow up afraid of clowns or become serial killers.

The three-ring circus is not my fave. I get confused with the three rings. Is she going to fall off the trapeze? Is the elephant going to trample someone? Is the tiger going to strike his trainer? Is the kid next to me going to slop some more cotton candy on my lap? Did I truly pay to be this stressed out? My brain is not equipped to keep track of this many things at once.

Once they start bringing in the clowns, I am out of there.


Anonymous said...

I guess this means you never went up to 19th street to visit "Sweet Tomato" whose name totally escapes me? I do know other people who do not like clowns. Patsy

janis said...

Sweet Potato was mean to my daughters! Annie did love this one clown but I forget her name. She didn't get to freaky with the get up, she kept it toned down and was very small and soft spoken.
I am with you Sheri. They are creepy! It's like they can hide behind the makeup. I always knew the key was DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT!!! When I worked at the Deaf School we had to take the kids. They loved it & I always tried not to show my fear. Remember when I started working at that restaurant on Washington (with the peanuts on the floor) I had to be Bingo the clown on Sundays and make balloon animals all day & wave to people like a freak on the street. No wonder I am a mess today!

Anonymous said...

I know how much you and your mom and dad like to go to the Indiana State Fair so you'd better make sure you don't go on clown day because they are freaking everywhere! Kim