Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th

My crazy grandmother would not leave her house on Friday the 13th. She believed in many curses and superstitions. I tell myself that I'm not superstitious. But there's a little paranoia that creeps in.

I don't walk under ladders and I don't open an umbrella indoors. I like black cats but I get a little nervous when they cross my path. Birds are creepy to me; a bird in the house makes something fire in my brain -- someone is going to die. Thanks Grandma.

You can talk yourself into anything. I'm a prime example but that's a different post.

1 comment:

janis said...

Friday the 13th is just a day to me (also a few too many bad movies).
I always walk under ladders if it's quicker than going aroung.
I have a black cat who crosses my path all the time.
Bird's don't bother me and I have had a few in the house, I had actually never heard about that superstition.
Umbrella's dry quicker opened so, I have them opened after a rain (like today).
SO, I guess I am not superstitious, then again, maybe these are the reasons I do not always have the best of luck!