Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Voice of Reason

Between normal seasonal growth and the storms that have swept our state, we're all dealing with our stages of disarray.

People who work in landscaping, plumbing, roofing, electrical, etc. are overwhelmed.

Houseboy stopped by yesterday to check on our minuscule plantation. I pointed out limbs close to wires, overgrown trees and hedges, etc. I thought I had the perfect solution: While you're working with other clients, loan me your chainsaw.

Well, I wish a had a photo of his look of horror. Although I made the girl scout promise to stay away from power lines and keep both feet on the ground, he would have none of it.

Instead, I went out today with my big manual clippers and chopped for a while. It made me feel better. I know we have an axe around here somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Also, the axe weighs more than you!

Anonymous said...

I thought that this was one of the talents that "Big Daddy" had in your dating posting. If not this one, which of those talents does he have, or I guess I should say "exercise"?