Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Matter of Public Record

I am a huge fan of the Freedom of Information Act. I believe journalists and the public-at-large should have access to court documents, legislation or any information that impacts our country and world. I am one of the people who actually watches C-Span when there's a bill I'm concerned about.

On the flip side, I believe in privacy. It's a pretty tough dance when it becomes personal.

There are different rules for different people. Public figures are fair game. I think that keeps a lot of talented people out of politics, which I find scary. We've scared some of our brightest and brilliant people away from public office because who knows what the opponent might dig up.

Here's the flaw in the system:
If you got married, it's a matter of public record. If you lived with a bunch of people, it's not.
If you got divorced, it's a matter of public record. If you fathered a few illegitimate children, it's not.
If you got arrested in college or later, it's a matter of public record. If you shot heroine between your toes but told no one, it's not.
If your credit is lousy and you file for bankruptcy, it's a matter of public record. If you're cleaning it up, nobody cares.

There are people who live life and obey the rules. I try to be this person but I have broken many of society's rules. I don't know these people who have done it all perfectly but I hear that they are out there.

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

You make a very good point.