Friday, June 6, 2008

Little Pink Bellies

I like to tease the maniac dog and remind her that I too had a little pink belly once.

So did a lot of other people.

I have no desire to go back in time but I'd love to experience the feeling of wearing a two-piece suit with no reservations.


janis said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! This is priceless! Okay I reckonize you, Kim & Angel, but help me with the other five.

Anonymous said...

If only we could do a lot of things like we did when we were young...with no reservations.

Sandy said...

I believe that was your swimming party at LongAcre Park with the Fulton boys and your cousin Cindy. This is a precious picture.

Anonymous said...

It took me a minute to figure out who Angel was and I did not know the other girl but your mother answered that question. Love the Fulton boys. Patsy

Sheri Riley said...

I'd like to point out that Kim looks like she's waiting for someone to put a tiara on her head. I, of course, learned long ago that the best pose for a photo is to put a small child in front of you.

Anonymous said...

I have my mother to thank for the god awfull haircut. Kim