Thursday, June 12, 2008

Singing and Dancing

I have never met a microphone I didn't like. I'm not great at public speaking but other than that, I have a freakish attraction to microphones. Maybe it's because the husband is in a band. Maybe it's because my mother was honest enough to tell me decades ago that I can't carry a tune and at some point I decided I don't care. I sing in my house and my car. I sing whenever I feel like it.

Years ago, I was on a girl trip with my Goldies. I think we were in Nashville, TN. Lots of musical entertainment on street corners. To their horror, I liked to join in. I know this song!

Another time, a musician was performing in our hotel lobby. He was singing Patsy Cline and I was participating so heartily that he invited me on stage. Do you think I went up there? Deb and Jan were slightly proud and partially mortified.

Dancing is another release for me. Sorry Mom, but you started it. I used to watch my mother dance around the house. I have danced on counter tops and table tops. Some gene takes over and I must move. (I have never pole danced or pranced in a cage.) As a band widow, I often attend their performances. I dance with my friends and sometimes a total stranger will ask me to dance. I usually do it and I point out my husband up on stage. It's not a dating ritual; I just like to dance.

Plus, I know all the songs so I get to sing along.

1 comment:

janis said...

Yes it was Nashville. In the hotel lobby you got alot of old men smiling & some old gals singing "Crazy", along with you & Patsy. Deb & I were more in awe than anything. We admired you for the courage & that voice. YES! you can sing. You got that little swinging thing going for you too! As for the street corner, maybe Deb & I were a little embarassed with that, but I know that Bum appreciated the extra dollars you brought in. Remember how you would say, "come on everybody!" And pull them in to dance , sing, & get them to dig in there pockets??? They probraly thought you were a little loopy!