Monday, June 23, 2008

We Will Not Be On the Smucker's Jar

Willard Scott does this cheesy tribute to oldies -- you must be 100 or married 75 years -- on The Today Show. I like how their advice contradicts each other. One person will say, "The secret to a long life is never drinking or smoking and going to church every Sunday." The next person's advice is, "A glass of sherry before dinner and two cigars a week."

In the movie, On Golden Pond, Katherine Hepburn refers to her and her husband (Henry Fonda) as middle aged. He reminds her that people don't live to be 150-years old.

Yesterday, my mother asked me to stop referring to myself as old. I don't feel old. I'm quite comfortable with my age. I'm certainly blessed for my experiences. Although I don't do it often, I can still manage a cartwheel or a handstand. I can still flip and dive off the board at the pool. I can balance a baby on my hip while tossing a salad. I can get knocked down by a big dog and get back up.

On both sides of my family, the lucky gene people make it to about 80-years old. That makes me on the far edge of middle age but I'm sticking to it.

1 comment:

janis said...

enjoy those cartwheels and flips. One day, I just couldn't do them anymore without peeing alittle on myself. Now that is something fun to look forward too!