Friday, June 6, 2008

That's When I Learned

When I was seven years old, I had a sleepover birthday party. My favorite gift was a Barbie Pool. One of my friends threw up in it. That's when I learned that I liked my friends more than material things.

I had a few babysitters. One of them used to serve her husband Club Crackers and a Pepsi when he came home from work. We were not allowed these items and I coveted them. That's when I learned there are different rules for grown-ups.

Once I pined for a neighbor's son. I mean serious angst. Unfortunately, I carried this little spark for years... to the point of almost obsession. We went on a date once. I loved the movie; he hated it. That's when I learned there's a gift in letting go of a fantasy.

I've admitted it before but I've stood on top of Jan's shoulders (literally and figuratively) more times than I can count. That's when I learned a friend will catch you if she can.

College. That's when I learned a lot of stuff.

I had a six-pound dog that could eat quadruple her weight in carpeting, door frames, and anything in the path. That's when I learned about dog crates.

Another friend has lived in different towns for almost thirty years. That's when I learned friendship has no boundaries.

The oldies embodied grace and southern charm. Living with them taught me I have more to learn.


janis said...

We have all learned much.

Love You!

ps stand on my shoulders anytime, I promise to "try" and catch you, I will go down with you if I can't, laughing all the way! remember falling @ KT's window?

cecily crossman said...

What kind of crazy strict parents didn't allow Pepsi and club crackers?