Monday, June 16, 2008

Stopping at McDonald's

Many times after a charity event or a band gig, the husband and I are headed home and realize we're hungry. Whether he's been playing in the band or we've both been working the room, we didn't eat very much. Suddenly, White Castles or McDonald's seems like a grand idea.

We had a Father's Day dinner here last night. I knew my mother would hate the menu -- I warned her in advance and tried to compensate. I also knew the Ahi tuna, shrimp and mussels would be a big hit with my father, Big Daddy and the baby. Veges and pasta rounded it out. I tried to please all. Plus, we had strawberries, ice cream and brownies for dessert. Yum.

My father said, "Oh shoot, we just had this last night."

My mother does not have a poker face. Her expression at the mussels and the rare tuna ... well, "Yum" was not the word floating through her mind. I may not be a big eater but I am open to (almost) anything. She always marvels at my love of crisp veges, any kind of seafood and especially mushrooms. We did not eat these things in my childhood.

We had a small storm so I called to make sure they were home safely. She swears they didn't stop but I would've bet something like a hamburger was in order.


cecily crossman said...

I'm with mom on the Ahi tuna! Otherwise, love your menu. I know she loved it too.

About the posting about your dad. It was almost too much for me to read. Thanks for laying out who he is for all of us to see.

He knew you as a little girl. I knew him as a little boy. He was the sweetest child you could imagine.

I wish I had a mom and dad like your mom and dad.

janis said...

as for what Cess says.... I wish I had a relationship like you do with your parents. I love your parents, but I love mine too, I just wish we got along better. I am jealous.