Saturday, June 7, 2008

Please Stand Up Straight

My parents were pretty big on posture. In my years of ballet, I learned that you can't perform any of the steps without your spine in alignment. As a result, I prefer straight-back chairs. I rarely recline on a plane. The seat position in my car could be classified as military straight.

I continue to torture the baby. He's an adult (sort of) and he probably doesn't appreciate my poking. To his credit, he does respond.

There seems to be an inordinate amount of young people who have settled into slumping. They also like to wear hoodie sweatshirts with the hood up -- regardless of the weather. I can't guess if they're cold, trying to be incognito or getting ready to rob a convenience store. Since we lost the Captain and his Unabomber costume, I no longer allow this in my house. Again, we bent the rules for the Captain and allowed him to wear a baseball cap in the house. Those days are over; the husband goes a little crazy over this one.

Yes, I am sounding like an oldie. Yes, these are minor things in the general scheme of things. But, if we start with the little things and take it one step at a time, maybe the bigger things won't seem so difficult.


janis said...

You are the posture queen! I suspect you get it from your Momma. I always sat up straight for fear that I would eventually get that hunch back that some women in my family get.
I have always made the girls sit straight too!
I hate seeing hats inside & sloppy slouchers! What is wrong with these young whipper snappers?

cecily crossman said...

I'm with Janis (and mom) and the sitting up straight. Several of my friends have shrunk big time!