Thursday, October 30, 2008

China and crystal

If there is a fire or a natural disaster, what would you grab? Other than the obvious of getting your family and pets to safety, most people choose photos or other collectibles.

I want my china and crystal. I want the bowls my grandmother and Aunt Judy gave me. I have an obscene and bizarre attachment to my dishes. The Old Country Roses collection is my favorite. Second to that would be my Lenox Christmas collection. I also have a 12-days of Christmas dessert collection. I have a set of plain white china rimmed in gold that I got at Pottery Barn. I have a set of plain white china rimmed in silver that I use whenever somebody feels like polishing the flatware.

As I learned this weekend, lots of people have duplicate photos of our family and friends.

I would go for my dishes. And, of course, my laptop.

I do realize someone is now going to think I am obsessed with possessions. Not really -- just dishes.


janis said...

Your china is safe.
I totally get it!
Have you noticed that fewer and fewer brides are not choosing to have china & crystal? They now register at Target, Kohls and Crate & Barrel. Both my girls have some crystal pieces and Emily has a few china pieces. They both will pick out china when the time comes. They wont get mine, tillI die. I LOVE MY CHINA! Take my possessions if you must, but leave hands off my china!

cecily crossman said...

You have a Lenox Christmas collection?