Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Man Hands

Although I look a lot like my mother, I share so many characteristics with my father and his side of the family. This is particularly apparent to me as I get older. My father's sisters (one is deceased) are/were little people. Not tall and small enough to get knocked over by a strong wind. I am also short and sort of petite. The other thing we most definitely have in common is our small hands and feet.

When I got married the first time, they sold my husband-to-be a gold band from the children section. (Why they make gold bands for children is a puzzler!)

The husband has a client and we have often socialized with them. We've been on corporate trips with them. She has man hands. At times, I cannot listen to the conversation because I become so obsessed with her hands. In my little pea brain, they are HUGE. She could probably wrestle a bear and win. I'm glad we're "hug you and kiss you on the cheek" people because a handshake with her could break my little bones.

While watching "Dancing with the Stars" the other night, Jan called to inform me that one of contestants has man hands.

I don't have man hands but I have graduated to oldie's hands.

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

Yes, I wear a child's size ring too.