Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Religion, Sex and Politics

The rule of polite society: don't discuss religion, sex or politics. Probably money too. Here's another example where I break the rules. I don't want to inflict my theory or beliefs on you -- I want to know what you think.

Prior to the VP debate with Biden and Palin, we were having dinner with friends. I was dancing with both candidates -- where they could excel and where they might embarrass themselves. One of my closest friends disagreed with me.

I talk to him a lot. During every election of the last 12 years, he is my touchstone. On election night, we have talked repeatedly -- all night. I know I can call him. I know he will be awake.

On the way home from this dinner, the husband said, "I think he's really mad at you."

He was probably miffed at me. I'm sure I annoyed him. But I think I called him at least five times during the debate and he answered the phone every time.

Part of my love for this man is he allows me to be me. We're free to agree or disagree. He can throw up his hands and say, "I cannot believe you said that!" I can roll my eyes.

The next debate is tonight. I will call him.

The election is less than 30 days away and I will be calling him all night.

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