Monday, October 6, 2008

We Don't Change

Yesterday I had lunch with three friends:

One I see regularly and talk to multiple times a day.
One I see occasionally but we have enjoyed a reconnection of our friendship.
One I had not seen in 25 years or so.

Maybe it's a problem with my eyesight but they all look the same to me. Their voices sound the same. The sense of humor is intact. Yes, I realize we've aged but I had a couple of "Oh My Gosh" flashes. We could've just as easily been sitting in our high school instead of discussing children who are in college.

As you know, I'm not big on organized reunions. I prefer the smaller ones.

In this microcosm yesterday, I admired each of them. But it also made me wonder:
Did the girls who were the most popular in high school maintain it?
Did the jocks keep up their studly appearance or did they become people with big bellies?
Did the druggies survive? Are they still druggies?
Did the brainiacs go on to do something brilliant?
Are the nerds conquering the world? Or just wearing pocket protectors?
Did that cutest couple in high school stay married?

I have detectives on the case.


janis said...

This is my second attempt in commenting on this one.

Our lunch was wonderful. A tiny part of me was nervous, but that left the table as we gathered and broke bread.

I LOVE you all so much.

I think that life gets complicated and we get so busy with it. Now that the children are all nearly grown, it will be easier to maintain our friendships.

I regret that I missed several years of Lynn & even a few years of Rich's lives.

I need to be around people that "get" me. I felt that we were able to pick up where we left off and had no awkward pause.

Lets make it a point to continue. Also how grand to try to bring together several other key players. Kim, Deb, Maria. Ron, to name a few.

Gosh! Where did the years go?

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for all of you! Patsy

Anonymous said...

You only left off one--Is the funniest person still funny? Yes I am.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time as well!

Jan will get her wish at least a little--- Ron and Kim/Eric will be at Saturdays gathering. Mom will not be there-- I just found out she will be in Milwaukee visiting Aunt MiMi.

Mom just reminded me I better bring my $3.75 for the chicken so I think I will pay that in pennies to just get a reaction.

I think once we are all there-- lets get everyone together in a big circle and recite a big CHEER!

See you Saturday---Rich

Anonymous said...

The last comment wss reference to a fun experience Jan and Sheri had at anothe party-- not any disrespect to our picnic this Saturday.