Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Mom Finger Wag

Chances are you've been on the receiving end of the Mom Finger Wag. Odds are pretty good that you may have done it yourself. It's pointing your finger at a child while you're scolding or making a point. (My mom preferred the head thump.)

Our city has one east-to-west street that is renowned for crime. I swear every time I read of a murder or drive-by shooting, it's on (or near) this street. It's a major thoroughfare and lots of people travel it everyday. I use it but I'm also pretty cautious to make sure my doors are locked and I make eye contact with no one.

The other night, after leaving the dreadful "I killed a goat" party, my friend and I needed to be on this street for three blocks. We're chatting and laughing. At an intersection where she had the right of way, a group of young men almost ran the light.

She pointed and did the Mom Finger Wag.

I started screaming, "Are you crazy? People get killed for less than that!"

Then I became obsessed with looking behind us to make sure they hadn't turned around to follow us.

Obviously we are okay but for a while there, I was sure we were going to be the goat.

1 comment:

janis said...

I confess, I am crazy! Those boys just got me mad & I did what comes natural. (Gosh, I am becoming an old woman!)
If they followed us we'd figure out a plan, I am just grateful we didn't have to!