It's 2009. Did you make resolutions?
In years past, I attended a New Year's Eve party with friends and at some point during the evening, everyone was to list a resolution for him or herself (unsigned) and drop it in the hat. After midnight, we read them aloud and guessed who resolved what. Lots of the people at the parties were extremely creative types and it made the game more fun.
New Year's does not usually feel like a fresh start to me. Even though I'm a few decades past school age, the back-to-school time always gives me that feeling. But this year is different in good and awful ways. So with that frame of mind, I'm making a few resolutions that I will keep private and I'm making a list that I will share:
1. I may cut back in other food groups but I will eat ice cream anytime I feel like it.
2. Laughter is contagious and I will be a carrier.
3. Instead of feeling weird when faced with that married/single/divorced option on forms, if I check "Divorced" I may add, "AGAIN!"
4. I will not let the awkwardness of being a fifth wheel keep me from gatherings.
5. I will happily say no to things I do not wish to do. No excuses. I'm just not going to do it, thank you for asking.
6. If someone asks me a nosy question, I will remind myself that I am under no obligation to answer.
7. I will guard my reputation in situations I can control. I will be at peace with my character by the decisions I control. What I can't control, I will let go.
8. I will not assume the best about people who have taken the time and energy to show me their worst.
9. I will remember that no one knows me better than me so it's probably best if I speak for myself.
10. With the exception of black pants, black skirts and white shirts, I will remind myself that owning two (or more) of certain things is excessive. (Sorry, no one can own too many black pants.)
11. I will not look in the mirror at my lines with dismay. I will say, "I laughed and I cried. I have earned these wisdom lines -- many with an awful cost. Hi me! Let's see what adventures we can have this year."
12. I will embrace the road ahead of me while hugging the bumps that led me here.
13. I will never again again think I have the power to change someone.
14. I will volunteer more.
15. I will approach conflicting opinions with an open mind. Convince me. Show me what I have not considered. If you can do it with humor, you are guaranteed my attention.
2009 is a blank slate, ripe with opportunity. Happy New Year.