Thursday, June 28, 2007

Being Strong

Some people are strong physically. Some are strong mentally. (Some are psycho, but that will be a different post.)

When the husband and I sit around the piano, occasionally we turn to old favorites. One of them is, "I'm Going to Be Strong" by Gene Pitney. I'm not good at harmonizing but if he goes first, I can stumble through it. This is a heart-stabbing song about lost love. The core message is, Tough it out!

I'm small in stature but I think I'm pretty strong. I haul things and I occasionally move furniture. Mentally, I have enough brain cells clicking that I can keep up with most conversations and form a semi-intelligent discussion point.

I am not emotionally strong. I am raw. Crying is my normal reaction: happy, sad, scared or humored. I would blame this on menopause or the oldies but I've been this way my entire life.

Sometimes I freak people out, especially the oldies. "Is something wrong?" I feel stupid explaining that there was a cute puppy on a commercial and it made me cry.

If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm your girl. I'm also pretty good at moving furniture around.


cecily crossman said...

You're lucky - and healthy. I never cry.

janis said...

you move furniture??? I thought you have people for that? Just teasing... I know you well enough to know you can move mountains. And truly you are stronger emotional than you give yourself credit. This reminded me of our, "Little ole Ant, move a Rubber Tree Plant".