Sunday, June 24, 2007

Crossword words

As you know, the husband and I compete at the crossword puzzle almost every day. A great majority of my friends also do the puzzles in our daily paper. When we travel together the rule is that the first one to rise must scavenger for enough newspapers so that everyone who wishes to do the puzzles is indulged.

I love words. I was taught that if I didn't understand a word or a phrase, I need to look it up. Old habits die hard.

Sometimes they stretch the definitions in the crosswords. After my initial annoyance, I find it hysterical. My friends and I say to each other, "We must now use this word at least three times today." My favorite is "afeared," which I suppose is a variation of afraid. I have stricken "afraid" from my vocabulary. Now I say, "I won't do that -- I'm afeared."

A few years ago many of us were sitting outside at the lake. Crossword puzzles in front of us, the white-out pen in easy reach and reading glasses propped on our noses. The clue was: more quickly. The answer was: rapider. Like a 6th grade spelling bee, someone challenged me to use it in a sentence.

I said, "Look , the dog has rapider self around that tree."

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

My brain is no longer up to hard crosswords. Words like "rapider" did me in.

Cribbage is my now brain game.