Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Father's Day Salute

Today is Father's Day. Another Hallmark holiday, but I'll play along. If your heart's in the right place, you don't need someone to remind you to honor your father. You do it every day.

I miss Wild Bill. I miss Pa.

I salute the Unabomber and Big Daddy. They are great fathers. I salute all of my friends who have suffered the baseball games, the PTA, the missed curfews and the backtalk. I know your children and they are wonderful.

The baby is a great son and a great brother. I suspect he'll make an amazing father. I'm simultaneously crossing my fingers, knocking on wood and saying a prayer that it won't be anytime soon.

I salute all of you who have lost a father. Let the memories give you some grins.

Most of all, I salute my dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I salute your dad too, Sheri Lynn, he's been like a father to me too.