Friday, June 29, 2007

It's Always the Man in Their Life

I'm sad and enraged that Jessie Davis, the 9-month pregnant woman from Canton, OH was killed. I'm sad her two-year old son is now motherless. I'm nauseated that her child had to be interviewed by the police. Their biggest clue was his statement, "Mommy's in the rug."

The police have arrested the married --cop with a record --boyfriend. Isn't is 99.9 percent of the time that these kinds of cases wind up to be the boyfriend/ex-boyfriend/husband/ex-husband? Think Lacy Peterson. Think Nicole Brown Simpson. I made the statistic up but it seems true to me.

I have no personal experience with domestic violence. I am one of those people who says, "I would never put up with that." Yet, I've witnessed it and I've seen how the cycle goes. The mind games are worse than the physical pain.

The husband and I sometimes threaten to beat each other up. That's a joke that isn't quite as funny while you're watching the coverage of a story like this.

The husband has to add levity. "Oh no, another wife missing. You'd better be nice to me." Then, I whack him.

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