Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Love of Books

I'm a nerd. I love research and I love books. I loved school.

My aunt used to take me to the library. I always tried to check out more books than allowed. Then she would take me to Dunkin' Donuts for a treat.

The bookstore is still my favorite escape from the oldies. My dad gives me a gift certificate for my birthday and Christmas. I've never run out of books to buy. Fiction, non-fiction, reference, business, spiritual -- I've yet to find a category that isn't interesting to me.

I tried to join a book club but it didn't work for me. In the allotted time, I'd read the assigned book and three or four more. Maybe I'll start my own book club. You've got 48 hours -- Go!

In college, I could spend hours in the stacks. I love the smell of old books. I love the feel of the pages. I love the crack of the spine. I love learning and the age old pursuit of knowledge.

I track my favorite authors and note the release date of their next book. I trade books with friends.

I do most of my research online these days. When the workday is done and the computer is idle, I crawl into my favorite chair and crack open a book.

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