Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I All Done

Yes, it's grammatically incorrect. I love it anyway. It's succinct and makes the point. No clarification needed.

One of the workout girls shares stories of her grandchildren. (Five under 5-years old.) This is the eldest's favorite expression. When we work out, sometimes she decides to sit down and just drink her coffee. She announces, "I all done."

I wish I had known this phrase in my 20s and 30s. It could have saved me from multiple ridiculous conversations. Life would have been so simple. End a bad relationship? I all done. Meeting gone wrong? I all done. Boring conversation? I all done.

It's rather sad that I had to learn this from a toddler.

The next time the oldies come toward me with a wad of papers and a task list ... I all done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to somehow adapt this to people we don't want around by saying "You all done -- ba bye".