Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dogs with Jobs

After the horrific experience of 9/11/01 and the constant coverage of rescue and recovery, we were amazed at the heroics of policemen, firemen, ordinary citizens jumping in, etc. Can you believe that was almost six years ago?

Our old dog was with us then. Every news story showed a dog digging through the rubble. The husband used to say, "Look Holly, dogs with jobs."

We are Lab people. That is our breed of choice. Sometimes our newspaper will feature a Lab who has saved someone or serves as their seeing eye dog or helper. We have a tough time imagining our puppy serving in this capacity since her biggest talent seems to be knocking people down.

Dalmatians are usually identified as fire dogs. German Shepard's are usually identified as police dogs. Labs are the rescue dogs.

The only thing my Lab will rescue is her toy in the back yard. Then she'll probably jump on one of the oldies and I'll make another trip to the hospital. She's never actually hurt them but we've skirted around it. The mother-in-law loves to throw her ball but then you have to squinch your eyes, knock on wood and say a quick prayer that she won't throw herself on this tiny person.

The husband thinks she needs more training. I think she needs a job.

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