Monday, August 20, 2007

The REO Speedwagon New Year's Eve

It was 1980 or 1981. I'm fudging this a bit because I honestly can't remember. Here's what I do remember:

We went to an REO Speedwagon concert on New Year's Eve. Waiving your bic lighter was huge. The drunk woman behind me caught my hair on fire. My friend (J) put it out.

Someone put me in a gigantic trash can. Then, he put the lid on it. (My boyfriend rescued me.)

Later we wound up at some hotel. One person ran through the halls and pulled all of the fire alarms. Hello Policemen! They took all of our keys away and put us through the sobriety tests. I'm proud that I was totally sober. No one went to jail. The nice Officer Friendly gave the keys to the sober people and we were allowed to drive the other people home.

There's a lot of REO on my iPod. It reminds me of high school and college. It reminds me of my girlfriends. It reminds me of the time I spent in the trash can.

Sometimes I call (J) and say, "Just listen." It's usually
Time For Me to Fly. She humors me and sings along.

1 comment:

janis said...

that was not a favorite memory for me... that was a nightmare evening for all of us. I almost forgot about it. Thank Goodness I don't remember it when I hear REO!