Monday, August 6, 2007

Married Forever

The oldies have been married 60+ years. My parents have been married 45+ years. My next-door neighbors have been married 35+ years, as have many of our friends. Yes, we've all seen our share of divorces among friends and acquaintances but there's a lot of long-married people in my world.

I've been married forever, if you count it cumulatively.

I never thought of myself as a woman who needs a man to complete her. My track record shows a different story. I've gone steady, been pinned, been engaged, been married and been divorced. When I met the husband, I had sworn off serious dating. Dinner was ok but everything else was off limits. I didn't trust my judgment; I didn't trust me.

Something clicked and we enjoyed dinner. Then, we enjoyed making each other laugh. Then we noticed we were spending more time together than apart. Then we got married.

Don't get me wrong. We're no one's idea of perfection. But, I look at the oldies ... I look at my parents ... I want to believe.

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