Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Voyeur Moment

I always thought that a voyeur was a spy, someone who peeped on others. But, nerdy Sheri looked it up. It actually means, "a person who obtains sexual gratification from looking at the sexual actions or organs of others."

I enjoy spying on others but I get no sexual satisfaction from it. Guess I should stop referring to myself as a voyeur.

In my youth, we had a problem with peeping Toms in the neighborhood. My aunt and uncle lived down the street. He worked nights. She had a regular peeping Tom. So, she would call our house and we would all run to her. I was a child but I remember my mom, my other aunt (who lived with us at the time,) and I climbing in the car and screeching down the street. A broom was our weapon of choice.

In high school, my friend, J, and I used to spy on our boyfriends. She was/is tall and I was spry. I could stand on her shoulders and we could get a glimpse in windows. Then, someone would spot us. She would scream and start to run -- forgetting that I was on her shoulders. I landed in a lot of bushes but she always came back to save me.

Other people's homes are fascinating to me. I love to look at their decorating styles, their choice of collectibles, etc. Many years ago, a co-worker had a party for the department in his home. His wife collected everything -- Hummels, Precious Moments, and more. There were hundreds, if not thousands of them. I walked around thinking, "Who dusts all of this?" Last week, the husband and I attended a lovely wedding reception for a friend's son. It was held in their home and their gardens. The gardens were something out of Eden. Lush, beautiful and HIGH MAINTENANCE. I hope they have people to take care of that.

Other people's lives may look interesting but I remind myself of the old saying about the grass being greener on the other side. I watch men treat their wives like queens and I wonder, "Does he treat her like this at home or is this just for public consumption?" Everyone can put on a good front for a while. It's what happens behind closed doors that matters.

So, I will continue to spy and eavesdrop on the oldies. I wish I could still stand on J's shoulders. We could probably learn a lot. I've got to find a new word instead of voyeur -- maybe I'll just go with spy.

1 comment:

janis said...

There are some hilarous memories I almost forgot! The funniest night was spying on K.T. & my running off with you falling into the bush! I think I peed my pants that night. We did love to spy. I think I will pass on putting you on my shoulders today, we would both fall into the bush, pee our pants & probaly break a bone or two.