Monday, August 20, 2007


I take voting very seriously. Probably because I think everyone needs to know my opinion.

When I was in journalism school, they strongly suggested a double major so I did it. I chose political science. (They forgot to tell us that most of the countries we were studying would change names, boundaries, politics, leadership, etc.) Still, I loved it and it fueled my passion.

I read the editorials and I watch the debates. I read the blogs. Political discussions make some people nervous. Not me! As long as everyone is respectful, I love them. I usually learn a ton.

During the past season of "American Idol," the media pundits kept quoting the number of votes. I was very disturbed that more people voted for the next American Idol than voted in the last election. Maybe people are just lazy. You can vote on American Idol by picking up the phone or sending a text message. Our government could learn a lesson there. I didn't watch it every week but when I watched, I voted.

This is the time of year when The Today Show throws a wedding. You get to vote on everything from the chosen couple to the cake to the wedding attire. This morning, there was a promo about it and the husband jokingly said, "Oh shoot, I forgot to vote."

Not me. I voted for couple #2.

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