Saturday, August 4, 2007

A touch of "T"

My friend, Big S., taught me this phrase. You don't need to say, "That's trashy." Or, she's kind of "trailer trash." (This usually comes up in conversations about Britney Spears.) The hip lingo is, "That is so T." I need to know this stuff, especially since I'm headed to the state fair next week.

I love the smell of clothes that I've dried outside. It's probably a throw back to my grandmother. (The sane one.) Everything hung on the clothesline and I ran weaving through the wet sheets. They were crisp and smelled like the sun.

I do not have a clothesline. The husband would die. Instead, I have a big, efficient dryer that performs admirably. Sometimes, it's not good enough for me. So, I hand wash the delicates and hang them from our tree in the back yard. Once, Big Daddy brought some people home for a drink and all of our unmentionables were hanging in the tree.

Yep, there's a little "T" in me.

1 comment:

janis said...

there is alittle "T' in all of us.