Friday, August 10, 2007

Ice Cream Solves it All

We've all heard the phrase, "Better living through pharmaceuticals." We are a quick fix/pop a pill society. I understand the motivation but I am terribly anti-pills. I take an Advil now and then. I take sinus medication occasionally. Other than that, I'll pass on the medication -- just give me some ice cream.

I'm not making light of life altering and life saving medications. Some of the other stuff is an easy out. I'll take the ice cream.

When the baby was younger, we regularly made chocolate malts. He still says it's one of his favorite foods. We had an old-time shake mixer like they had in soda shops. We wore it out so we had it rewired plus we bought a newfangled one, just for back up.

When I was a child, ice cream was our Saturday night treat. As an adult, one of my parents would (and still does) show up when I was feeling puny. They always brought ice cream.

Dessert is an indulgence for me, one I don't do very often. But ... when I'm depressed or sad, when I have a cold, when I'm feeling old, cranky or just sorry for myself, I don't need a pill. I need some ice cream.

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