Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Just Say No

In the 80s, Nancy Reagan initiated an anti-drug campaign, "Just Say No." I'm not sure how successful it was because I keep reading about meth labs and drug-related crimes. But, the slogan stuck in my head.

Most women are pretty bad at saying "no." We'll tack on one more committee, one more commitment, one more dinner, one more project and one more appointment. Then we wonder why we're stressed and overwhelmed.

The husband and the oldies seem to have mastered the ability. Occasionally, I will suggest something to the husband and he has no difficulty saying, "No, I don't want to do that." I am still proposing activities to the oldies -- I just can't help myself -- and they have no problem saying "No."

I'm taking this in baby steps. I like mindless movies and comedies. The other night, I managed to get in bed and have possession of the remote control. The husband came in and asked, "May I change this?"

I said "No."

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