Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Pasadena Day

Yesterday was a Pasadena day and I didn't even go to California.

Instead, the husband and I attended a 70th birthday party for Nick Seats. Oh My Gosh! The people. The memories. My mind was in overdrive.

The party was hosted by his three children and held in the middle child's beautiful home. (I love to see other people's homes.) He was the one who punched me in the stomach when we were children. The fun memories outweigh that one but we still like to joke about it. As I told him last night, I probably deserved it.

His sister is a little wisp of a thing and she is tough as nails. (She'd better be -- she's the mother of three boys.) As she explained to me, "I grew up with two older brothers; I learned to toughen up." Then, she told me she'd stashed her favorite wine. She shared it me. Now that's friendship.

Tons of my old neighbors were there. I heard about their children, grandchildren and some of their great-grandchildren. Big Daddy tried to keep up with the stories but I'm sure he wanted to whack me every time I squealed with delight at seeing someone I had not seen in years.

He's crazy about Nick. Since they've both worked in the same industry, they know a lot of the same people and love to share the different versions of the same gossip. I've worked in this marketing community a long time too but their stories are much more interesting.

Besides my sister, some of the children I used to babysit were there. Most are grown with children of their own. My parents' next door neighbors were there with their daughter. I remember when her older brother was born. We were sitting on the porch and Tony came over to announce, "It's a boy." I remember learning that the boy had just acquired a little sister.

Barb and Bill were there. They used to live next door to the Naked Guy. They have a standing date with my parents for Steak & Shake, games, and whatever floats their boat. All I know is they have taken care of me and they are really good huggers. I'm like Pavlov's dog when they show up. Arms extended -- let's have a hug!

Other people wandered in and I was in full flashback mode. J's high school boyfriend, his wife and two sons. Wow! I know we're all older but he looked the same to me. He was polite but a little reserved. I can't decide if he doesn't like me or if he's afraid I'll start on some trip down memory lane in front of his wife. I would never do that unless too much wine was involved.

Then, we actually went to Pasadena. (Again, not California.)

We don't do reunions in our family. But, the family that's here in town has a monthly version of it. They take turns hosting it. We rarely attend due to other commitments but we went last night. Super, amazing fun for me! I saw a couple of cousins I haven't seen in years. Again, squealing was involved.

At one point in my childhood, my Aunt Judy (mom's sister) and Uncle Don lived down the street. My great-aunt Ann and Uncle Harry lived two houses down from them. My Aunt Connie (mom's sister) lived with us. The saying is, "It takes a village to raise a child." Our village was right there.

I used to ride my bike up and down the street repeatedly. If Uncle Harry was outside, he would say, "Comb your hair!" I have extremely wild, untamed hair. I didn't care as a child and I probably care less now. When I went to college, Uncle Harry made me a comb out of this beautiful wood. It's humongous. I lost it for a few years but now it has a worthy spot in my bathroom. It makes me smile.

My parents cooked and cleaned. No one could feel uncomfortable in their home unless the demon dog bites, but they're pretty good at keeping her away from ankles. She's a lean, mean, fighting machine but she mainly wants to fight with your ankles.

My parents' next door neighbor told me a story about her daughter and my parents. During one of their last parties, Sarah remarked to her mother, "I didn't know old people would stay up so late." In Sarah's mind, my parents are oldies. I should bring her to my house for a day.

We left earlier than I wished, but all in all it was a great day. With golf and business functions, Big Daddy and I attend a lot of parties. Yesterday was two parties filled with memories, love and affection.

Happy Birthday Nick.


cecily crossman said...

What a beautiful story! As childhoods go, yours sounds pretty great.

Say Happy Birthday to Nick for me!

Anonymous said...

As Kim told me once, she felt like she grew up in a small town and I think that is a good description of our nieghborhood. It was so much fun to have our long ime freinds thae Sat. We were happpy to have you and Dan there. Nick was honored. And surprised too! He said thank you to Cess for the happy birthday. Love Patsy

Anonymous said...

We wished we could have been in two places at once on Saturday night. We really wanted to be there to celebrate Nick's special birthday. It was great fun reading about it in your blog...almost as good as being there. Thanks for making it to our party too.