Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Fall Day

There's something magical about the perfect Fall day: brightly colored leaves and a crispness in the air.

Yesterday was a Fall day around here but it wasn't the good kind.

I stopped counting after the fourth fall. As I watched the mother-in-law weave, bounce off walls and whack her head on the way down, I almost lost it. Instead of picking her up AGAIN, I truly considered just falling down myself. When I finally got her back in bed for the umpteenth time, I started speaking to her like the dog: "Lie down and stay!"

There were people here for the first fall and I know she will be horribly embarrassed when she remembers this fact. (I haven't talked to her yet today but I did go into the dungeon to make sure she's breathing.)

You know those moments when you think -- I just need to sit down for a moment. I was headed there when I heard the Unabomber in the hallway asking, "Any way a good-looking man can get a sandwich and a cup of coffee?" This is why I do not own firearms.

Today I can barely walk. It's not due to being hit by a car on Sunday; it's due to lifting her repeatedly yesterday. She is not a big woman but she's bigger than I am. I can't do it.

When my uncle was very ill, my aunt (who is tiny) dealt with many falls. He was a big man and there was no way she could lift him. She became very chummy with the 911 EMTs. This is my future.

The oldies are supposed to travel to Texas in 8 days. I can't imagine but I'm still hoping beyond hope that the trip will happen. We're supposed to go to the doctor today. That's a really good idea except I don't have a clue how to make it happen. I am in pain and there is no way I can maneuver both of them. Plus, if one of them falls, I'll just have to step over him or her. I couldn't pick up a potato, let alone one of them.

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