Monday, December 17, 2007

It Can Always Get Worse

You know how some days end and as your head hits the pillow you think, tomorrow has to be a better day. Then you find out the joke's on you.

Yesterday was dismal.

The mother-in-law was determined to go for a hair appointment. In addition to the fact that she can barely walk, we are still dealing with icy side streets and somewhat treacherous conditions. I tried everything: pleading, guilt, bitchiness. Nope, she's going to go. At least I convinced her to leave Hangdog at home.

Their car was covered in ice and snow so I attempted to clean it off. All the while my back is rebelling. As I'm scraping and brushing snow, the Ice Man Cometh. The Unabomber came out to clean off the car. (Man with a cane, icy patches -- you get the picture.) Then I resort to ordering: Get back in the house!

She comes out marching. Well, as much marching as you can do on ice. Jaw on edge, the stubborn look in her eye. And I resigned myself to the fact that she's going to do what she wants to do. I saw the car headed out of the driveway so I went back to work. The next thing I know, I walked by a front window and I see their car in my front yard. Two very helpful gentlemen who happened to be working across the street immediately ran to her assistance. I ran out with a shovel and get this ... she was waiting for them to dig her out so she could still go!

I took her by the arm and she did the 5-year old arm wrench. Let go of me! As I pointed out every patch of ice, she said with annoyance, "I see it!" She was very angry with me so the happy family dinner I had planned was a little chilly. We had fun with the baby and a yummy meal but conversation was a little stilted.

Today, it became even more interesting.

We were awakened at 5:00am because our doorbell rang. It was a neighbor, out walking his dog, and he was concerned that somebody's grandpa is walking around in the street at the end of our driveway. The husband got him in the house and there was some confusion about where the mother-in-law was. I found her. She had gone back to bed.

Then I looked out the laundry room window and noticed their car wasn’t where I left it. So, I walked outside and found it in the ditch by our mailbox.

Apparently they were trying to go to an 8:00 VA appt. (unbeknownst to us). When the car went in the ditch, she left him outside to wait for the tow truck, put her nightgown back on and went back to bed. He was so disoriented, he was babbling (although making more sense than her.)

She swears she called her insurance company for a tow (????) but when we called they have no record of it. So, we don’t know if she called anyone at all. The husband got the car out of the ditch.

She orders him around and he follows orders. Maybe she did tell him to wait for the tow truck. I honestly don't know. But I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want him pacing the icy streets for hours. Without my neighbors' interception, he would've followed her orders and stayed. Or fallen. Or had frostbite. Or worse.

What would we do without kind neighbors? My friend and next-door neighbor happened to be outside with her dogs so she can attest that I am not embellishing. The neighbor who notified us came back to make sure we found her.

The oldies are supposed to go to Texas tomorrow. The relatives in Texas have no idea of what is headed their way.


Anonymous said...

I was still half asleep when I walked out toward our mailbox at 5:00 am this morning, but when I saw our neighbor, then the oldies car, I woke me pretty fast. Thank heavens we have a neighbor who faithfully walks his dog very early every morning, otherwise who knows where "Grandpa" might have wondered off to or what might have happened to him. I would have thought that your mother-in-law would not have attempted going anyplace after backing into and getting stuck in your front yard, but I guess she is one determined, stubborn woman...But I already knew that!

It's the kind of situation that makes you either laugh or cry. I have chosen to laugh about much so I can't stop. However, it does scare me to think what could have happened but thankfully didn't. With the track record Sheri has had with her in-laws living with them, if something bad is going to happen, it's going to happen to Sheri because of them. Honey, you are at the top of my prayer list and I don't envy you at all!

If you need help getting them to the airport, please let me know. Even though their flight doesn't leave until mid-afternoon, any chance of you taking them at like 9:00 am? :o) Hang in there, kiddo! Love you! Pammie

Anonymous said...

Laughing out loud!

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows how many people are going through the same thing you all across this country. You and they all need our prayers. Patsy