Friday, December 28, 2007

What Choices Will She Make?

I spend a fair amount of time thinking about the daughter. She lives in another state and our communications are limited to email and phone. (Although, she and her father have mastered texting each other.) Still, there's nothing like the warm embrace and the familiar comfort of the hug. I took a million of them while she was home for Christmas. She probably felt a little smothered. I hope she felt the love.

She is happily in love and we are thrilled for her. Then I do the life comparison and realize that I had worn more than one wedding dress by the time I was in her stage of life. (Not a recommended path!) I did not birth children but I know she plans to do so. As if this was any of my business, I wonder when? Am I so conservative that I would expect her to be married? If there was a little grandbaby in the picture, would I care?

We embraced the decision for her to move away, have her adventures and get out of Dodge. The husband did it and I wish I had done it as a young person. Yet, I'm selfish and now I like it best when we're all in the same city.

The oldies do not understand. She is their eldest grandchild and they are a bit perplexed with her choices. Not married? What is she waiting for? No children yet?

Education has been a focal point. She has far surpassed her father, her mother and me with degrees in hand. So far, the best use of those degrees is something she struggles with and we less-educated people can only advise. Like all parents, we just want her to be happy.

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