Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hit By an Oldie

God decided to throw an extra adventure my way. Today, I got hit by a car. (I am fine.)

I'll spare you all of the miscellaneous details but here's the gist: I had a packed grocery cart and was making my way to unload. A car stopped at the stop sign and I thought she gave me the universal hand signal for "Go ahead." It was raining so maybe both of our lines of sight were obscured. As I walked through, she plowed on (thankfully at a very slow speed) and hit my cart, which hit me and knocked me down.

It took her longer to get her seat belt off than it did for me to get myself up and rescue my runaway grocery cart. She was startled and shaking.

Did I tell you that I think she was older than my oldies?

I spent a few minutes with her to make sure she was able to drive. I assured her that no harm was done.

Then I came home to find the oldies' car is gone. They're out and about. I'm staying in. I've already been hit by an oldie once today.


Sandy said...

Do not go out of the house the rest of the day! I don't like this story.

cecily crossman said...

I knew Mom wouldn't like this story. I don't like it either.

janis said...

I can't believe you "one upped me" from my COPS story! I think you definently won this week. I guess I would rather have had my scary Monday w/ the Cops than your frightful Sunday w/ another oldie. I can't imagine the soreness you are going to have this week. Remember YOU ARE A BRUISER! You need to go make sure you really are okay.