Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Scavenger Hunt

I try very hard to respect the privacy of others in this house. The only exception was while the baby was in high school. I felt it was my duty and my right to do the occasional espionage sweep of his bedroom and backpack.

When the oldies got to Texas, she called a couple of times and asked me to go into the dungeon to look for a particular bill or other information she needed. I would never dig through drawers or closets without her permission.

Let me back up... Our can opener had been missing for days. (You can't make that green bean casserole with the french fried onions without a can opener.) Eventually, I had the husband and Houseboy looking in every possible kitchen drawer and cabinet. No one could find it.

My little voyage into the dungeon unearthed multiple missing items, including the can opener.

1 comment:

janis said...

This reminds me of the time we unearthed many missing items, including discovery of a strange foul smell. When Emily was little she found a register wall cover that things fit nicely through and would drop down to a resting spot in the air ducts. We only discovered it by spying on her as she stole a kitchen item and ran to her register. I cant even tell you how many things we found!