Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hello God, it's Me

My next-door neighbor's daughter just informed us that the oldies' car was in the mailbox ditch when she came home at 1:00am. That means he spent the night outside in the freezing cold. Or, in their car.

The doctor just called and there's some concern. If she's running a temperature, she cannot fly. Shoot me now. So, the husband will fetch them from the VA and I will dutifully take her temperature and report back to the doctor.

I have no idea what kind of test I'm enduring but I'm pretty sure I'm failing miserably. Plus, I'm getting a little antsy about the husband. His stress level has reached gigantic levels.

I only have one bullet.

The old saying is that God never gives you more than you can handle. To that, I say, "Ha!"


cecily crossman said...

I don't know if God is speaking to you but you ARE getting a message.

As a person who did this WAY too long - please know that your crisis is here.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so who knows how long they had been out there after you guys went to bed. Where were they going at !:00 am? Were they heading to the VA at that early hour or were they running away because you wouldn't let them leave after they backed into the front yard? I guess this means that not only was your father-in-law at danger, your garage door was up all night, and your house was wide open for anyone to walk in to do and/or steal who knows what.

I just asked our daughter why she didn't notify you guys or us of the situation. She said everyone was asleep and she didn't know what to do. She just got 2 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so I'll cut her some slack because of that and the mild pain meds she was taking. However, she now knows to notify someone if she sees that something isn't right, especially in the wee hours of the morning.

Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does, but for your sake, I sure hope it doesn't! Love you girl! Pammie