Wednesday, December 19, 2007

To the Rescue

It took me almost two years to impress on the mother-in-law that she needs to take her cell phone when she leaves the house. Then many people started complaining that they couldn't reach her or they left a message on her cell phone which she didn't retrieve. So I suggested that she might want to keep it handy.

Me and my helpful tips!

They are leaving in four hours. She informed us last night that she dropped her cell phone in a sink full of water. Our attempts to dry it out have failed. It's toast. Her grandsons have to be able to reach her since they're all arriving on different flights. Well, I guess they could request a loud speaker announcement: Two young men looking for two oldies!

Once again, I have been rescued. My neighborhood angel is headed to the vicinity of the cell phone store so she offered to take it and see if they'll swap it out. Or just get a new one with the same number.

I realize I could've gone but I am on patrol. The packing will be completed. No one is going to fall on my watch today. They must get on that plane.


cecily crossman said...

Your blog will make a wonderful and useful book. Wish I had read it 8 years ago.

Hope the oldies are on the plane as I'm writing this - and you're doing your happy dance.

Anonymous said...

It is 9:09 pm and I hope they are safe and sound in the south. If so, you have a great BIG fat glass of wine. I can hardly believe how they survived the ordeal with the car. Patsy

Sandy said...

They are safe in the south, but I am seriously concerned about the mother-in-law's physical health. Her irrational behavior has gone on too long this time. I know you are concerned about the same thing.