Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Have I Eaten Today?

I am not a foodie; I have other vices.

This topic freaks people out so I apologize.

This is the time of year that I cook a lot. And, I truly enjoy it. Then I realize that I'm cooking -- not eating. The other night I was elbow deep in food prep for Christmas Eve. The husband announced, "We haven't eaten since lunch yesterday." (He's not a foodie either.) So, although I was surrounded by food, I ordered a pizza.

I used to blame this on the oldies because their obsession with food kills any appetite I may have. But, it's unfair to them. They're not the only people who destroy my appetite. I avoid buffets like flies avoid swatters. People load up like they're storing calories for hibernation. My friend Jan and I have learned to find the table in the corner of the restaurant so we don't have to watch other people eat. It's a quirk that works for both of us.

My mother tells the story of me coming home from school or dance practice and I would sit with some lettuce and a salt shaker. Love it! The other night, I went to bed and then realized I was hungry. I got up and had a grapefruit.

Overwhelming food choices make me -- well, overwhelmed. Right now I have lots of leftovers so I'm grazing. But yes, I am eating.


janis said...

true true! If I see someone eating I completely lose my appetite. I still find myself with a leaf of lettuce & the salt shaker too. (Where did we get that?) On the eve of Christmas eve, as I was preparing the deserts to take on our Christmas Eve travels, I stopped, remembering that I hadn't eaten in quite a while & sat for a minute with a grapefruit & salt shaker in hand. I can nibble all day on candy, nuts, and fruits but get so grossed out with the real foods! Love to cook it, just not eat it!

Anonymous said...

You aren't fooling anyone.