Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Dance

This week has been brutal and we've only just begun. Our next super-fun adventure is packing and schlepping Hangdog to some 'burg in Mississippi. We don't have to get on a train but there will be wheelchairs, planes and automobiles involved.

There will also be some interesting family dynamics. I'll try to keep my notebook hidden but I will make notes.

Last night, I decided to lie down for a second. I promptly fell asleep and was awakened by voices. I came out to find the husband and our physician (saint-in-training) sitting by the fire, sharing stories about the Belle. Not a dry eye in the house.

Our doc went home. The husband went to visit Hangdog. I sat by the fire and listened to music. Garth Brooks, The Dance, came on. It's really about the end of a marriage (or at least a relationship,) but these words hit me hard:

I'm glad -- glad I didn't know
The way that it would end, the way that it would go
Our lives are better left to chance.
I could've missed the pain
But, I'd have had to miss the dance.

I would not have missed this dance for anything.

1 comment:

janis said...

As I told you last night, in honor of The Queen of Southern Belles, Ms Eve, I fried bolongia (in butter) for a fried bolongia sandwich last night. She would have been so proud of me. I really filled the house with "that aromia", (the smell frightened my husband). I must say, it was kindof good.. It brought me back, way back, to my childhood. I remember having these for dinner, money was so tight, and it was a cheap meal. I will miss the dear gal, we laughed about the many things she fried, but, thats what the south does, fry it up (in lots of butter)!