Thursday, January 17, 2008

Running into People

I swear Big Daddy knows every person in this city, the Midwest, and various other cities. I learned long ago to either step it up a notch or be prepared to be without makeup, clad in sweats and run into several people we know. A lot of these people don't really know me, they just know me as the wife of someone they know.

Usually I get caught at the drug store or the grocery store. Those are the destinations I am most likely to run to without giving a thought to my appearance. I don't think I've been in an airport in my life without running into someone I know but at least when traveling, I've made a minimal attempt at being presentable.

Yesterday, Big Daddy was taking Hangdog to the Home. I went to visit the mother-in-law. Still in sweats, not a stitch of makeup on my face. (She wouldn't notice or care.) I brushed my teeth and ran a brush through my hair. That's about all I could manage.

I ran into Cynthia. Thank goodness she is my friend.

I can give up worrying about running into people in the grocery or the drug store. Now that we have two places to visit, I am guaranteed to run into someone I know at one of the Homes.

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