Friday, January 11, 2008

No vanity; No shame

Yesterday, the sister-in-law and I went to retrieve the oldie's car from the dealership. Of course, I decided to take the dog.

The dog doesn't understand calling "Shotgun" but she does understand when someone else is in her seat. She was completely confused with being put in the back seat. I shoved her back quite a few times. I even had to use my mean voice.

Then my sister-in-law reached behind my neck and said, "Is your shirt on inside out?" Yep, it was.

So, I'm driving through a main thoroughfare in my city... I'm elbowing the dog to get back to her own seat ... then, I took my shirt off, turned it to the correct position and waited for the next red light so I could put it on properly.

You might have another name for it. I call these "bonding moments."


Sandy said...

Oh my! The stress is getting to you. Think Britney Spears! Best not to disrobe in public.

janis said...

My shirt was backwards on Thursday! I kept getting this stabby feeling in my neck (I was wearing a turtleneck). I finally realized the trouble & flipped it when no one was looking, I too was in the car! I am so glad I am not the only one that would do that!