Monday, March 17, 2008

By Name

When the baby was young, I was very big on drilling into him that he should call people by name. If memory serves, I spent quite a bit of time harping on the importance of looking someone in the eye and saying, "Hello Mr. or Mrs. Jones." In my most desperate times, I remember saying, "They bothered to learn your name; you can use some brain cells to remember theirs." It's probably not the kindest approach to instilling manners but it worked for me.

I like it when people remember my name. My grocer, my dry cleaners, my pharmacist all call me by name. And of course, I know theirs. It's a nod of respect during a business transaction. It's also a touch of friendliness in a sometimes cold world.

Today I took the obituary and Hangdog's photo to the mortuary. I walked in and three people greeted me by name. They are wonderful people but I do wish we hadn't given them so much business lately that they know my name.

1 comment:

janis said...

my only comment is that you have a selective memory. One is Blessed if you remember their name. I can give you a slue of names from years past, and your brain cells have told you that they are not worth remembering. Mostly from High School, but, needless to say, your brain will tell you.."nope, don't rememeber that one!". So, to everyone that you have remember, they are worthy of you to have thought, "yes, remember her". Keep room in the brain for the ones that deserve the memeory.