Friday, March 28, 2008

Hat Fancy

When I was in my 20s, many of my friends got married. In all of their wedding photos, I am wearing a hat. I especially like the ones with the little veil. (OK, I know I took that bridal obsession too far.)

These days, I still wear hats. On the rare occasion that I play golf, I must have a visor. If I'm going to be in the sun or even just running errands, a ponytail and a baseball cap is my preferred look. The belle frowned on that but it suits me. I especially like the ones with interesting sayings, like "Got Wine?" or "Well-Behaved Women Rarely Make History."

One day, we were going through my closet and she ooohed and aaahed at some of my hats. Like me, she favored the ones with the little veil. Maybe I'll go to the pool or the lake this summer and wear a hat with a veil. I'll sit in cocktail corner and salute the belle.


cecily crossman said...

Hats with veils were and are very sexy.

cecily crossman said...

But no feathers!